Bitter Becoming Sweet

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Bitter Becoming Sweet

Exodus 15 : 25
"The Lord showed him a piece of wood , and Moses threw wood into the water and the water became sweet . "

Often joy and sorrow walk hand in hand . Like the Israelites who feel great joy and victory in the Red Sea , but three days after the bitter water found in Mara ( Exodus 15:22-23 ) , joy quickly turned into anger , especially to Moses as the leader and shepherd of Israel.

Experiencing the Power of the Resurrection of Christ

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Experiencing the Power of the Resurrection of Christ
Matthew 28: 1-10

The resurrection of Christ from the dead to prove at least three things: 

  • That all the prophecies of God's word and Christ's words are true. Therefore, we must hold fast and trust entirely to the word of God. 
  • That Jesus is truly the Son of God and Savior of the world. No one in the world like our Lord Jesus Christ. He died, and rose on the third day. All the leaders and founders of religions in this world to die and no one rose and ascended into heaven like Jesus. Because it is only Jesus who deserve to be the savior of this world. 

Spiritual Meaning of Crown of Thorns

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Continued from CROWN OF THORNS

Spiritual Meaning of Crown of Thorns

  • Thorn in the world because of sin . thorns is the result of a curse due to sin ( Genesis 3:8 ) . The curse of sin brings pain and suffering , as well as with thorns stuck in his head , even accompanied with the blows of bamboo .
The Bible says that Jesus became a curse to die on the cross for us so that the blessing of Abraham comes to us ( Galatians 3:13-14 ) . All the pain and suffering caused by sin has been restored so that we bear .


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Matthew 27:27-31

Redemption is done by the Lord Jesus through His shed blood , is an excel - redemption is perfect . Why ? Because the blood was pouring out of all parts of his body from head to his feet , away from the body until Valentine his hands , and the latter from the outside to his solar plexus .

It was a perfect sacrifice . All details of the events of persecution and suffering that occurred over the Lord Jesus did not happen by chance , all have a spiritual meaning for every detail that happens is the fulfillment of God 's word . Each persecution , pain and injuries received Him is paid for the sins we have done .

How Jesus Facing the Cross

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How Jesus Facing the Cross 
Matius 26:1-75

Shalom , peace & joy greetings to all in City Blessing Church of God , the Lord Jesus always accompany and bless us all , amen ! ! !

As I mentioned in last week's sermon , we are taught by the word of God to imitate the life of Jesus in the face of very heavy cross , but he got through with the victory .

Cross, Blessings and Curses

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Cross, Blessings and Curses
Galatians 3:13-14

Shalom congregation at City Blessing who love the Lord Jesus , soon we will commemorate the week suffering God . I invite the entire congregation of the Lord in the City Blessing to return ponder and appreciate the meaning of the Lord 's sufferings week .