Subject To The Authority

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Subject To The Authority

Hebrews 13 : 1-25
" Obey your leaders and submit to them , for they keep watch over your souls , as those who must give an account. " ( verse 17a )

In today ii was not easy to find people who have the spirit of submission . Instead many people who have the spirit of rebellion . Revolting means not subject to the authority , where it is bound to cause conflict , be it conflict among members in a family , organization , community or even a country .

Gold box and black box

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Gold box and black box

There in my hands two boxes which God has given to me to keep. God said , " Put all your suffering into a black box and enter your happiness into gold colored box . "

I'm just doing what God says , whenever experiencing sadness then I put it into a black box , on the contrary when I put my excitement then rejoice in the gold colored box . But strangely , the more the gold colored box grew heavier , while the black box still light as before .

Believe & Faithful

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Believe & Faithful

Proverbs 20:1-30
" A lot of people call dir kind, but a faithful man who can find? " ( Verse 6 )

If we truly believe in God , then no matter what happens , let us remain faithful await him . " Wait on the Lord, Be strong and of good courage ! Yes , wait for the Lord ! " ( Psalm 27:14 ) , because " everyone who tuned ..... you will not be ashamed ; " ( Psalm 25:3 ) .
His help when it looks like " .... tarry , wait for it , because it truly will come and will not ber tough . " ( Habakkuk 2:3 )

Many Christians fail in this test of loyalty . When His help has not come , they immediately turn and seek help humans , it means no longer pray and hope to God , even his heart started to not believe and away from God.


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Matthew 25:14-30

INTRODUCTION: There are two kinds servants: First, the slave and loyalty, the two servants who are lazy and evil.

What was said by the Bible of loyalty?

  1. Loyalty, if a scarce resource (Proverbs 20:6 , Psalm 12:1-2)
    At the end this era it is hard to find people who really loyal. A faithful spouse, are loyal employees, the leader who are loyal followers, the faithful, leave the faithful, the church faithful, and so on. Praise to God, But the Church, and gather grain City Blessing individuals who are faithful. Faithful to serve, faithful serve him, loyal and faithful in work around the house.
  2. Fidelity is something that he led by God (MICAH 6:8)
    God did not require many of us, He only demanded that us to be faithful in all things. He knew that the more we can be sued the more we failed. Paul urge Timothy its spiritual intent to pursue loyalty because it is the key to success a servant of the Lord or clergy and of course for us all (1 Timothy 6:11).
    So, it should be shepherd council or the church invited all the church and leave to adhere to our lives are blessed.
  3. Fidelity is a measure of the end of the accompaniment to God.
    All forms of achievement in this life become meaningless if the ends of it, we are not loyal . Therefore, do not be proud of our past. The most important thing is today, tomorrow and beyond.