Make up for past failures

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Make up for past failures - Read the Book of Judges 16:23-31

Make up for past failures
"Samson said," Let me die with the Philistines. "Then bend it with a vengeance, it was the collapse of the house happened to the kings of the city and all the people that are on it. Which killed off at the demise of a lot more than he had killed during his life."(Judges 16:30) 
The Bible tells the story of a child who presented God from the womb. One was Samuel who has since separated from his mother's milk, live in the temple, and one chosen by God's angel message is Samson. Samson filled with the Holy Spirit from birth. Samson's name means sunshine, or the little angel. And just like its name, since he was born and grew up, he's like the hot sun that burns enemies with very powerful.

Tip this week - Wise use of time

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Tip this week - Wise use of time

Wise use of time
If you were asked, "How do you earn money to meet the needs of your life?" So the answer is many things. But actually, the answer is simple, ie by exchanging your time for money. Whatever your job, you are giving your time to work so get reward money. How you use your time will determine how much money you receive.

Work is part of life, and is something reasonable - provided it's not a workaholic so ignore people whom he loved. In the success of your career is an important thing that must be considered, namely balancing the use of your time to build a relationship with God and our fellow human beings.

The secret blessing of Abraham

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The secret blessing of Abraham

The secret blessing of Abraham
Acts 3:25
"You are those who inherited prophecies that and got a part in God's covenant held by our fathers, when he said to Abraham: By your descendants all the nations of the earth be blessed."

Please read: Genesis 12:1-9.
Father Abraham was a man of faith extraordinary. Her life was blessed spiritually and physically. Even the word of God says that the nations will be blessed through Abraham. Blessings promised to Abraham has become the estate for people who live in the faith of Abraham, that faith in Yahweh, the God of heaven and earth who has revealed Himself through His Son The One, the Lord Jesus Christ. Galatians 3:29 says: "And if ye be Christ's, then are ye Abraham's seed and the right receives the promise of God"

Holy Spirit power source

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Holy Spirit power source

Holy Spirit power source
This week is the last week of this month, but I believe that this will not diminish our passion to serve the Lord, even all week in the past we have been through many struggles that can suck the energy or force us out. We all believe and trust that the Holy Spirit certainly give strength to all of us who believe and rely on Him as the Holy Spirit power source.

We are grateful that our children can go to school and members of the congregation of the Lord had healed the sick and partly in the recovery process. This all happened because of God's goodness to us.

In this week, I pray and invite the whole church of God in the City Blessing to live by good example of the father of all the faithful, Abraham.

Everything in good time

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Everything in good time
Everything in good time

(Ecclesiastes 3:1-13)
 "Paragraph 1: For everything there is a season, for every activity under the heavens there is time. Verse 11a: He has made everything beautiful in its time, and even He set eternity in their hearts."

Shalom, peace greeting of the Lord Jesus for us all.

Book of the preacher could be misunderstood if we do not read as a whole, because there are parts that talk about life with phrases that say "everything is in vain". But she was not intended by the author.

Because at the end of his book, he delivered a message to the firm: "The end of all has been heard is: fear God and keep His commandments, because this applies to every person. For God will bring every deed into judgment, with every hidden thing, whether it be good, or evil. (Ecclesiastes 12:13-14). So Ecclesiastes would like to emphasize that everything will be in vain if it is beyond God.

Prevent Cancer With 1 tablespoon honey

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Prevent Cancer With 1 tablespoon honey

A spoonful of sugar may help you to pour medicine would you eat, but do not give you nothing but calories. Honey besides being still, there are many benefits for our bodies. One of them prevent cancer with only 1 tablespoon of honey every day.

Honey will increase the levels of endogenous antioxidants in your body. Is an element of endogenous antioxidants in the body to block the production of free radicals causes of heart disease, cancer and other diseases.

Strength train & Certainty of God's Word

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"That is why we proclaim the Gospel not disampaokan to you with words, but also with the strength of the Holy Spirit and with a solid certainty."
(1 Thessalonians 1:5 a)

Every day of the week when we go pray, we often hear pastors who preach the word of God delivered. Not only that, at the time of devotional service-such as mid-week cell group meetings, worship prayer, Bible study and others, we also often hear the word of God delivered by the server / slave serving God. When we take the time for the morning prayer, morning prayer we can, we are also able to read a portion of the word of God through the Bible. 

Without undeniable, that we hear no word that can be accepted and embraced, but which also raises some questions in our hearts, like "what is right it will happen in my life?" or "yeah time if I qualify to receive a promise?". And there are many other questions that arise in our hearts when we hear his word.

Keep your step

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Shepherds pen

Shalom, peace of God be with us all,

Congregation who loved the Lord Jesus, every day of the week we come to worship at the house of the Lord faithfully. Indeed, worship is a very important thing for us, but worship with the right attitude is far more important. Ecclesiastes 4:17 says: "Guard your steps, if you walk into the house of God! Draw near to listen is better than to give the sacrifice of fools, for they do not know that they do evil."

From the above verses there are 3 things that need our attention when we come to worship in the house of God:

Healthy Tips in This Week

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Healthy Tips in This Week

  • Avoid sugary breakfast such as donuts or sweet pastries because it can decrease the production of chemicals in the brain that can make people sleepy.
  • Sleep immediately after eating can trigger stomach acid naiknua. The right time to sleep or just lie down for at least three hours after eating.
  • Move or walk for 10 minutes after sitting a long time can increase the energy for 2 hours and keep people awake and refreshed.
  • Ginger really help warm and boost immunity when erratic weather like this. Nutrient content in ginger also increases the body's metabolism so effective for weight loss.

How To Get Around For Your Salary Does Not Evaporate

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Ephesians 5: 15-17
"Therefore, consider carefully how you live, not as fools, but as wise, redeeming the time, because the hair-days are evil. Therefore do not be foolish, but see that you understand the will of God. "

Most of the people in the survey if they would admit that living paycheck to paycheck. Even if they have savings, and even then not much after they have already worked a dozen years that the annual. If what is stated above is you, then it is time to make a change. Monthly income or salary should be set such that provide for you and your family, but it also can save or invest funds available so could have expected when something happens.

God is a faithful God

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Shepherds Pen

Shalom, Peace & prosperity for us all!

Father, mother and brother who loved God congregation, worship safely back in the house of God. I believe, this week is a week full of joy because God has been a strength and support in our lives.

God is a faithful God, He is always there for us in any difficult circumstances. In fact, it is very surprising is "He remains faithful even if we are not faithful". We can imagine: when we are faithless, He remains faithful; especially if we are always faithful - I believe and sure - how would the more remarkable faithfulness of God upon us.