The secret blessing of Abraham

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The secret blessing of Abraham

The secret blessing of Abraham
Acts 3:25
"You are those who inherited prophecies that and got a part in God's covenant held by our fathers, when he said to Abraham: By your descendants all the nations of the earth be blessed."

Please read: Genesis 12:1-9.
Father Abraham was a man of faith extraordinary. Her life was blessed spiritually and physically. Even the word of God says that the nations will be blessed through Abraham. Blessings promised to Abraham has become the estate for people who live in the faith of Abraham, that faith in Yahweh, the God of heaven and earth who has revealed Himself through His Son The One, the Lord Jesus Christ. Galatians 3:29 says: "And if ye be Christ's, then are ye Abraham's seed and the right receives the promise of God"

  1. Discuss this: Do you think that becoming the secret life of Abraham that he was blessed by God?
  2. Example if you want to follow from the life of Abraham, explain why you want to follow the example?
There are many examples left by Abraham to us that the secret of life is blessed by God. Those things are:

  1. Faith in God
    Exactly when Abraham was called the father of the faithful because of his faith in God is extraordinary. Abraham really figure walk by faith not by sight. He used more than physical eyes the eyes of faith. This was evidenced when he walked out of his native country to places such as the landing is not known God's word.
  2. Obedience to God
    Abraham's obedience to God really accounted for by God, so that through his descendants the Savior was born. Because the Jews are very proud to call themselves descendants of premises or the children of Abraham. Examples of the most spectakuler obedience is when he is willing to sacrifice his son Isaac as a burnt offering, according to the request of God.
  3. His greatness in the face of problems
    The story of strife between Abraham slaves with slaves being evidence of how Abraham's nephew is the one who has greatness and extraordinary generosity. He invited his nephew Lot to first choose the best path, while he relented from Lot in order to maintain their good relationship as a close relative.
Intercessory Prayer: Prayer for among its members, so that we can live according to the example of Abraham so that the blessings of Abraham can be inherited.

Samuel Darmanto


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