Why Should Potential grief?

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Why Should Potential Grief?

Hebrews 13: 17-19

13:17 Obey your leaders and unduklah to them, for they keep watch over your souls, as those who are responsible for it. Let them do it with joy and not with grief, for this would not be unprofitable for you. 
13:18 Pray for us; for we are sure, that our conscience is good, because in every case we want a good life. 
13:19 And in particular I appeal to you, that you do, so that I may be restored to you. 

The pastor Brazilians usually an easy target for criticism. Each week they appear in the pulpit, carefully explaining the word of God, and challenged us to have to live like Christ. But sometimes we try to look for certain things for criticism. How easily we ignore the good things done by a shepherd and focus on our personal opinion of course. 

Maintaining Mental Health

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Maintaining Mental Health

According to WHO, mental health is a state in which individuals feel prosperous. Good mental health in the mark: 

  • Able to recognize and maximize the potential of self-
  • Ability to cope with stressful situations themselves 
  • Ability to work in a productive and useful in the workplace, family, church, community, and among friends. 

Submit To Authority

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Submit To Authority

Hebrews 13: 1-25 
"Obey your leaders and submit to them, for they keep watch over your souls, as those who must give an account." (verse 17a) 

In today's world is not easy finding people who have the spirit of submission, otherwise a lot of people who have the spirit of rebellion. Revolting means not subject to the authority, which it will inevitably lead to conflict, be it conflict among members in a family, organization, community or even a country. 

Today's word of the Lord reminded that every believer has the spirit of submission. The word obey in the above verse means adjusting according to the original text, succumb and obey. While the word submissive means subservient to authority. 

Terrible Dangers of Using Headset

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Terrible Dangers of Using Headset

A study showed that the use of a headset that too often can give a bad impact to the wearer. This can cause performance degradation hearing could even damage the auditory system.

Here are the negative effects often wear a headset:

Subject To The Authority

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Subject To The Authority

Hebrews 13 : 1-25
" Obey your leaders and submit to them , for they keep watch over your souls , as those who must give an account. " ( verse 17a )

In today ii was not easy to find people who have the spirit of submission . Instead many people who have the spirit of rebellion . Revolting means not subject to the authority , where it is bound to cause conflict , be it conflict among members in a family , organization , community or even a country .

Gold box and black box

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Gold box and black box

There in my hands two boxes which God has given to me to keep. God said , " Put all your suffering into a black box and enter your happiness into gold colored box . "

I'm just doing what God says , whenever experiencing sadness then I put it into a black box , on the contrary when I put my excitement then rejoice in the gold colored box . But strangely , the more the gold colored box grew heavier , while the black box still light as before .

Believe & Faithful

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Believe & Faithful

Proverbs 20:1-30
" A lot of people call dir kind, but a faithful man who can find? " ( Verse 6 )

If we truly believe in God , then no matter what happens , let us remain faithful await him . " Wait on the Lord, Be strong and of good courage ! Yes , wait for the Lord ! " ( Psalm 27:14 ) , because " everyone who tuned ..... you will not be ashamed ; " ( Psalm 25:3 ) .
His help when it looks like " .... tarry , wait for it , because it truly will come and will not ber tough . " ( Habakkuk 2:3 )

Many Christians fail in this test of loyalty . When His help has not come , they immediately turn and seek help humans , it means no longer pray and hope to God , even his heart started to not believe and away from God.


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Matthew 25:14-30

INTRODUCTION: There are two kinds servants: First, the slave and loyalty, the two servants who are lazy and evil.

What was said by the Bible of loyalty?

  1. Loyalty, if a scarce resource (Proverbs 20:6 , Psalm 12:1-2)
    At the end this era it is hard to find people who really loyal. A faithful spouse, are loyal employees, the leader who are loyal followers, the faithful, leave the faithful, the church faithful, and so on. Praise to God, But the Church, and gather grain City Blessing individuals who are faithful. Faithful to serve, faithful serve him, loyal and faithful in work around the house.
  2. Fidelity is something that he led by God (MICAH 6:8)
    God did not require many of us, He only demanded that us to be faithful in all things. He knew that the more we can be sued the more we failed. Paul urge Timothy its spiritual intent to pursue loyalty because it is the key to success a servant of the Lord or clergy and of course for us all (1 Timothy 6:11).
    So, it should be shepherd council or the church invited all the church and leave to adhere to our lives are blessed.
  3. Fidelity is a measure of the end of the accompaniment to God.
    All forms of achievement in this life become meaningless if the ends of it, we are not loyal . Therefore, do not be proud of our past. The most important thing is today, tomorrow and beyond.

Bitter Becoming Sweet

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Bitter Becoming Sweet

Exodus 15 : 25
"The Lord showed him a piece of wood , and Moses threw wood into the water and the water became sweet . "

Often joy and sorrow walk hand in hand . Like the Israelites who feel great joy and victory in the Red Sea , but three days after the bitter water found in Mara ( Exodus 15:22-23 ) , joy quickly turned into anger , especially to Moses as the leader and shepherd of Israel.

Experiencing the Power of the Resurrection of Christ

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Experiencing the Power of the Resurrection of Christ
Matthew 28: 1-10

The resurrection of Christ from the dead to prove at least three things: 

  • That all the prophecies of God's word and Christ's words are true. Therefore, we must hold fast and trust entirely to the word of God. 
  • That Jesus is truly the Son of God and Savior of the world. No one in the world like our Lord Jesus Christ. He died, and rose on the third day. All the leaders and founders of religions in this world to die and no one rose and ascended into heaven like Jesus. Because it is only Jesus who deserve to be the savior of this world. 

Spiritual Meaning of Crown of Thorns

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Continued from CROWN OF THORNS

Spiritual Meaning of Crown of Thorns

  • Thorn in the world because of sin . thorns is the result of a curse due to sin ( Genesis 3:8 ) . The curse of sin brings pain and suffering , as well as with thorns stuck in his head , even accompanied with the blows of bamboo .
The Bible says that Jesus became a curse to die on the cross for us so that the blessing of Abraham comes to us ( Galatians 3:13-14 ) . All the pain and suffering caused by sin has been restored so that we bear .


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Matthew 27:27-31

Redemption is done by the Lord Jesus through His shed blood , is an excel - redemption is perfect . Why ? Because the blood was pouring out of all parts of his body from head to his feet , away from the body until Valentine his hands , and the latter from the outside to his solar plexus .

It was a perfect sacrifice . All details of the events of persecution and suffering that occurred over the Lord Jesus did not happen by chance , all have a spiritual meaning for every detail that happens is the fulfillment of God 's word . Each persecution , pain and injuries received Him is paid for the sins we have done .

How Jesus Facing the Cross

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How Jesus Facing the Cross 
Matius 26:1-75

Shalom , peace & joy greetings to all in City Blessing Church of God , the Lord Jesus always accompany and bless us all , amen ! ! !

As I mentioned in last week's sermon , we are taught by the word of God to imitate the life of Jesus in the face of very heavy cross , but he got through with the victory .

Cross, Blessings and Curses

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Cross, Blessings and Curses
Galatians 3:13-14

Shalom congregation at City Blessing who love the Lord Jesus , soon we will commemorate the week suffering God . I invite the entire congregation of the Lord in the City Blessing to return ponder and appreciate the meaning of the Lord 's sufferings week .

Not Gift But JESUS Presence

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Not Gift But JESUS Presence

I once heard a story about a mother who shopped for Christmas purposes . He frantically busy looking fro . He brought small children , but he neglected to watch . In her panic she began searching for the child to walk , and turns his nose was pressed to the glass shop , looking at the manger .

The son said , " Mama , mama ! Look! Was Jesus in a haystack " .

Say : I Do Not Suffer ! ! !

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Shalom , peace greeting of our Lord Jesus Christ !

Congregation who loved the Lord Jesus . Today I adapted some of the contents of a short daily readings , but if we practice then I'm sure the quality of our lives will change . Remember that life and death is strongly influenced by the words of the tongue and the power of our minds ( Proverbs 18:21) .

Faithfulness : The Secret To Keep Getting Abundant Blessing ( chapter.2 )

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Faithfulness : The Secret To Keep Getting Abundant Blessing ( chapter.1 )

Many people who when in trouble , they come in droves to be at church , diligent worship , prayer and following every activity of any event held at the church . They assume that in that way they will get the answers to the problems they face .

God is never indebted to everyone who came to him . He will give an answer to every prayer and our struggle . But most people just forget to glorify God when they escape from the problems they face .

They reduce the activities that had been followed . They got busy with various things , and the reasons appear to avoid religious activities . Yet that's not what God wants . God wants us to remain loyal and close to Him when we have separated from all the problems .

God wants us to increasingly intimate with him , and God longs for us to keep the praise and glory of his name at the moment we 've received an answer to our prayers .

Faithfulness : The Secret To Keep Getting Abundant Blessing ( chapter.1 )

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Faithfulness : The Secret To Keep Getting Abundant Blessing 

Let's look at this story in Luke 17:11-19 , about ten lepers who were healed by Jesus : " In his journey to Yelusalem Jesus passed through the midst of Samaria and Galilee . Upon entering a village, ten lepers met him .

They stood at a distance and shouted : " Jesus , Master , have mercy on us ! " Then he looked at them and said : "Go , show yourselves to the priests . " And while they went , they were cleansed . One of them , when he saw he was healed, turned back, praising God with a loud voice , and fell at the feet of Jesus and thanked him . The man was a Samaritan .

What God wants in worship

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What God wants in worship
Acts 16:4-12

As we have desires and expectations when we come to worship , so it is with the Lord , our God . He has hopes and desires for His people who come to worship Him . What are the expectations of God to His people who come to worship ?

God Wants You And The Whole of Your family worship Him ( Joshua 24:14-28 )
Joshua was a man who understands the content and the desire of God's heart . In the presence of Israel he said : " But if you do not think is good to serve the Lord , choose you this day whom ye will serve ; gods your forefathers worshiped beyond the Euphrates River , or the gods of the Amorites in whose land you live in is . But me and my house , we'll be serving God " ( verse 15 )

There is a very basic reason why God wants you and all your family members have to serve him , because " God does not want anyone from your family perish " ( Matthew 18:12-14 ) . For God " one " person just perish , it's too much ( 2 Peter 3:7-9 ) . He wants everyone to repent and be saved .

The Meaning of Worship

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Meaning of Worship ( Worship )

The word " worship " comes from the Arabic language , which has the same root with the Hebrew " abodah " which means " serve " . So worship means to serve God . Sometimes we also adopted the word " worship " ( Sanskrit ), which means worship to God ( worship ) .

For the church , worship is meeting people with God to celebrate the act of remembering the savior of God in Christ's life and work . The word " commemorate " here in the sense of open or dig relive our memories of events that never happened in the past.

God's Promise For People Who Worshipping

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God's Promise For People Who Worshipping

1 Timothy 4:7-10
" Training corporal limited use, but worship is useful in all cases , because it contains a promise , both for this life or for the life to come . " ( Verse 8 )

The Bible says that we will receive the promises of God when we worship Him diligently . And we need to realize and believe that what God promised in His word will be fulfilled.
Matters what God promised to us when we are diligent and earnest worship ?

First , God will make a difference for us ! Malachi 3:18 "Then you will go back saw one difference between the righteous and the wicked, between those who serve God and those who do not worship Him . "

So you will see a different blessing , joy, hope and the future are really different between solemn worship of God with no -nonsense 

10 Tips to Healthy Living Bible Available

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10 Tips to Healthy Living Bible Available

  1. Rejoice always (Proverbs 17:22) 
  2. Strive to maintain holiness and the pursuit of truth in behavior (Psalm 107:17) 
  3. Saying something nice and positive (Proverbs 16:24) 
  4. Do not store heartache (Job 5:2) 
  5. Lots of veggies (learn as goats eat grass that has never experienced a chronic illness such as cancer, kidney failure, cholesterol, etc.) (Daniel 1:12-16) 
  6. Many eat the fruit (Ezekiel 47:12) 
  7. Eat Honey (1 Samuel 14:27, Proverbs 24:13) 
  8. Drink a little wine (1 Timothy 5:23) 
  9. Eat bread or manna and fish (Numbers 11:7-8, Luke 24:42-43) 
  10. Consumption or use pure olive oil (Leviticus 11:1-47)

Happy Trying, however Let God grant good health for the entire City Blessing Church. 
Halleluya ...... ..... Amen!!

Tenacity & diligence

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Tenacity & Diligence

At one point , act at a rock and there was a man who wants to break big rocks into smaller rocks for sale use his family . I think he is a well-built and looks strong . Armed with a crushing tool , it is mobilizing all its energy to break the rock.

Voice strokes on the stone to break through . Men 's work with enthusiasm. One time , two times , five times , ten times , the rock has not been broken . It hit back . Twenty times , thirty times the stone would remain intact . It again hit hard . Forty times , fifty times the stone has not yet broken even . This time, it hit harder. For a moment his breath panting . It's a wonder why the stone is broken even though it has not been deployed all its energy