Spiritual Meaning of Crown of Thorns

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Continued from CROWN OF THORNS

Spiritual Meaning of Crown of Thorns

  • Thorn in the world because of sin . thorns is the result of a curse due to sin ( Genesis 3:8 ) . The curse of sin brings pain and suffering , as well as with thorns stuck in his head , even accompanied with the blows of bamboo .
The Bible says that Jesus became a curse to die on the cross for us so that the blessing of Abraham comes to us ( Galatians 3:13-14 ) . All the pain and suffering caused by sin has been restored so that we bear .
  • Thorns used to hold the head of a lamb for the sacrifice of Abraham ( Genesis 22:13) . Jesus sacrificed to replace us . There is the principle of change of position in the cross of Christ . Jesus was rejected so we are accepted by the Father in Heaven . Jesus suffered so that we might be healed . Jesus insulted and demeaned so that we glorified . 
  • Thorns plug to drain the blood that carries the anointing and blessing of the head to the bottom of the robe ( Psalm 133:2-3 ) . On the cross with Jesus' shed blood clod down to earth from injuries from thorns on his head .
His head may not be enforced because of the crown of thorns that stuck in his head . Because of that he always looked to us to pour out blessing and anointing earthshaking for us .
  • Thorn is a tool to bring the pain that we are not arrogant . As experienced by Paul ( 2 Corinthians 12:7 ) . The crown of thorns , is an insult to Jesus . He humbled that we elevated or glorified where our strength is not working anymore but the power of God at work within us , that's true glory .
Look at what happened in Exodus 3:3-6 , God appeared in the middle of a thorn bush before Moses . Amid the thorns that you have passed , there will come the glory of God for your life , because his power will work perfectly . So the crown of thorns must be received by Jesus that we are given the Crown of Glory .


  1. Crown of glory that will be given to recording truly love and serve the Lord premises sincerity and purity (1 Peter 5:2-4) 
  2. Crown of Glory is given to those who are ready, willing, daring life of suffering for Christ (Hebrews 2:9)
  3. Crown of Glory is given to those who are obedient and ready to take up the cross every day (Philippians 2:6-8) 

May God will help us all to serve God with a sincere heart, ready to suffer for the Lord and obedient to bear the cross every day until we receive the crown of glory, Amen!!! 

To read previous stories can be found here or Crown of Thorns 

Samuel Darmanto 
Senior Pastor

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