Why Should Potential grief?

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Why Should Potential Grief?

Hebrews 13: 17-19

13:17 Obey your leaders and unduklah to them, for they keep watch over your souls, as those who are responsible for it. Let them do it with joy and not with grief, for this would not be unprofitable for you. 
13:18 Pray for us; for we are sure, that our conscience is good, because in every case we want a good life. 
13:19 And in particular I appeal to you, that you do, so that I may be restored to you. 

The pastor Brazilians usually an easy target for criticism. Each week they appear in the pulpit, carefully explaining the word of God, and challenged us to have to live like Christ. But sometimes we try to look for certain things for criticism. How easily we ignore the good things done by a shepherd and focus on our personal opinion of course. 

Just like all of us, the priests or pastors who serve us are not perfect. Therefore, I do not mean to say that we should follow them blindly and never rebuke their errors through appropriate ways. However, a number of the author of Hebrews Caatan can help us to have the proper perspective to our leaders who communicate God's truth and give examples of life as a leader willing to serve. The writer of Hebrews says, "Obey your leaders and submit to them, for they keep watch over your souls, as those who should be responsible for it." (Verse 17) 

Think about it, the pastor is responsible for guiding us spiritually before God. We expect service load it into joy, rather than bringing grief or sorrow for them. The next verse shows that complaints pastor "does not bring profit" for us (verse 17).

We are to honor God and build our church life towards the better when we honor those who have determined him to be a leader for us. 

PRAYER: Our Father generous, thank you to the person who you sent to pastor for our church. Presumably we continue to encourage and support him, and that You would protect it from errors in word and action. 


Samuel Darmanto
Adapted from: Eats the Soul

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