Bitter Becoming Sweet
Exodus 15 : 25
"The Lord showed him a piece of wood , and Moses threw wood into the water and the water became sweet . "
Often joy and sorrow walk hand in hand . Like the Israelites who feel great joy and victory in the Red Sea , but three days after the bitter water found in Mara ( Exodus 15:22-23 ) , joy quickly turned into anger , especially to Moses as the leader and shepherd of Israel.
In a watery bitter Mara , the Lord told Moses to throw a stick into the water , right up through the water and can be sweet drink ( v. 25) . A " lumber " is thrown into a situation that we can make life bitter sweet situation . Lumber that is the cross of Jesus ( 1 Peter 2:24). Our view will change when we consider his death filled his sacrifice and submission to the will of God ( Luke 22:42 ) .
Our suffering can occur for a variety of reasons ranging from violation and disobedience we Sendir until the cause of the others are envious and jealous of us and those who deliberately do evil to us .
But God allowed it to happen , even though we may not understand the reason, but if that's the will of the Father , infinite wisdom and His love , we must be certain that it's sweet will .
When we say "yes " to God when His Spirit express His plan to us through his word , bitter situations in our life will be sweet . We do not have complained about the bitter incident which has allowed God .
Instead, we must do all his commandments . Jesus said that we must carry the cross daily and follow Him ( Luke 9:23 ) . When we remember the cross of Christ and trust in God the Father as Jesus , the ordeal will turn out to be sweet .
He wears trouble to make us better not be bitter because it was sweet when not hurried swallowed , do not trigger any bitter spewed
Samuel Darmanto
Senior Pastor
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