Subject To The Authority

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Subject To The Authority

Hebrews 13 : 1-25
" Obey your leaders and submit to them , for they keep watch over your souls , as those who must give an account. " ( verse 17a )

In today ii was not easy to find people who have the spirit of submission . Instead many people who have the spirit of rebellion . Revolting means not subject to the authority , where it is bound to cause conflict , be it conflict among members in a family , organization , community or even a country .

It is the word of the Lord reminded that every believer has the spirit of submission . The word obey in the paragraph above passage means adjusting according to the original text , caving , and obey . While the subject word means submission to authority .

God wants every believer has a spirit of submission . Subject to whom ? Submit to God and also subject to our spiritual leaders . Tidka few Christians who do not submit to their spiritual leader , they even like to criticize , discuss the weaknesses and shortcomings , as well as underestimated .

In Numbers 12:1-16 , told how Miriam and Aaron rebelled against Moses . Broadly speaking family , Miriam is the sister of Aaron and Moses , and Moses is the smallest brother . But before God , the order of the authority of Moses , Aaron and Miriam . So Moses is the highest authority . Because it is not subject to the authority , Miriam had to suffer the consequences , he " ... was leprous , white as snow ; " ( Numbers 12:10 a) .

Signs that a person in the Holy Spirit is the spirit of submission ; subject children to parents , wives submit to husbands , we are subject to the spiritual leader , spiritual leaders are subject to the shepherds and so on . Moses , who previously was a loud and angry , but after experiencing the process of submission to God in the wilderness of Midian for 40 years , became " .... a soft heart , more than any man in the face of the earth . " ( Numbers 12:3 ) .

The Lord Jesus is the ultimate example in terms of submission ; He submitted to the will of the Father , even " .... in such circumstances a man, he humbled himself and became obedient unto death , even death on a cross . " ( Philippians 2:8 ) .


Samuel Darmanto

Sources : Living Water Daily Devotional

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