The key to success for worship leaders & Music Team

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To become a Team Leader praise and music are both needed some things needed by a worship leader or a team of music. There are several keys to success for worship leaders and music among other teams are as follows:
  • Be The Serving Leader
Attitudes have to serve one another. Example grab some drinks for team members. Make sure team members successful in his ministry.
  • Think and care team members
Get to know the musicians and singers where the weak and strong in skill level, so the worship leader can choose songs that fit with the skill and comfort level with. Do not be selfish by forcing songs that have not yet mastered tracks mastered other team members.

God's grace for Us

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Read: Lamentations 3: 14-25

Let us begin to ask: What is God's grace? Rahmat said has a meaning that is quite extensive. Means mercy mercy, grace, replies, thanks, reward, bounty, abundance, blessing, profit, wisdom, goodness, usefulness, benefit. When the grace that we connect with God, the grace of God are all things that we really need.

The next question that arises is: does God pour His mercy only at certain times? as was believed or taught by religion-another religion? Let us investigate in the Bible.

Month full of grace

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Lamentations 3:14-25

"It's the Lord's mercies, not consumed, because His compassions are new every morning: great your faithfulness!" Jehovah is my share, "says my soul, therefore I hope in Him. LORD is good to those whose hope Him, to the soul that seeks him. "
(Verses 22-25)

Is it God's grace?
  •  Mercy, grace
  • Reply, thanks, reward
  • Kurnia, abundance, blessing
  • Avail, wisdom, kindness
  • Usability, benefits

Serving With Hearts

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"Do all things without murmurings or arguing, so that you do not beraib and stained, as the children of God without blemish in the middle of his perverse and perverted it, until you shine among them like stars -star hotel in the world. "(Philippians 2:14-15)

I think all agree that God's children in this life need God's intervention. Sometimes the burden of life and the problems that come so complicated, so very limited human ability to taste is not willing to resolve this matter alone. The question of God is ready to help you, it does not need to doubt. God is always there and always had time for his children who come to Him. 

What is ask for help, whether it confide, spilling all the problems, or just be grateful and want to stay in His presence., God is never too busy for that. The question now, what can we do for him? see, often busy arguing, accessibility, of sorts, but "not in the mood anymore", we can easily make an excuse to delay the moment shade or do something for God. What is this kind of thing only happens among regular church? No .... the servants of God can also rests on the grounds. There are many people who claim divine, fear God, pious, but set limits on serving God. "I do it just yesterday that the service, this should be the time of day anymore?", Or now it's your turn, I was twice.... "


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Read: 2 Chronicles 34:1-33
"When they brought out the money that had been brought to the house of the LORD, Hilkiah the priest found the book of law of the LORD given by Moses" (verse 14)

How many times questions like these often arise in us: "Why is the word of God that I hear every week does not seem to live in me?" "Why can not I feel the power of the word of God as witnessed by other Christians ? "

Word of God that we hear seems to just be an information or knowledge to die alone. Yet the Bible says that the word was not far and not difficult to do. The word in the mouth and in our heart (Romans 10:8, Deuteronomy 30:11-14). The Word is the word of faith, which means that the word must be accepted and carried out by faith to live and its power to work in us.

Not tossed around

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Read: 1 Timothy 4:1-16

 "Now the Spirit expressly says that in latter times, some shall fall away and follow deceiving spirits and doctrines of demons," (paragraph 1)

In the days leading up to his arrival, the Lord is going to do the sifting and above all with the aim of testing the quality of their faith, because "His winnowing his hand already.  

He will clean out his threshing floor and gather his wheat into the barn, but the chaff he will burn up with unquenchable fire. "(Matthew 3:12), so that will be posted clearly the difference between the righteous and the wicked, those who live in holiness and in dishonor, truly worship God and that messing around with sin.

Baptism In The Red Sea

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Today God Is First (TGIF) by Os Hillman

"Therefore we have been buried together with him by baptism into death in order that, just as Christ was raised from the dead by the glory of the Father, we too may live a new life in". (Romans 6:4)

When Moses led the Israelites out of Egypt, he brought them to the edge of the Red Sea. This race saw the sea stretches before them and hear the roar of Egyptian chariots behind them. They know they are caught - and their faith in God vanished. They thought God no longer work in their lives. In panic and desperation, they turned to Moses and said, "Why have you brought us to the desert to die? Once we become slaves in Egypt, would not we say to you, 'Do not bother us and let us work on the Egyptians. Better reason for us to live as slaves than to die in this wilderness. "

Only the bearer of Christ

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Matthew 21:5
"See, your king comes to you, He is gentle and riding on a donkey, a young donkey."

A pastor who preached about Christ entered Jerusalem in triumph. He then asked, "Bagaomana if ever ridden a donkey that he thinks that all the cheers were addressed to him? What if it is convinced that small animal cry Hosanna and twigs intended to honor him?"

The pastor then, points to dirinyanya own and said, "I was an ass. The longer I stand here, then you will be more aware of it. I'm just a carrier of Christ, not personal at the center of a compliment."

How to deal with crisis

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The Lord said to Moses, "Write: all this in a book as a memorial, ........"Exodus 17:14

Crisis can befall anyone who lives without exception, adults, young children, even newborns can even directly facing a crisis in his life and not a little that culminate in death. The crisis came without permission and can occur at any time. But most important is how we handle it. This will determine whether we go out as a winner as a loser or whether, because of the importance of positive thinking.

There are specific events in the past written in the word of God with the intent that it may be a reminder that we can learn something from the account.

Perikop in Exodus chapter 17, a record of events in which the children of Israel for the crisis after the third and the fourth time they have passed the Red Sea on dry ground. At the time and they quarreled with Moses Meribah because there is no water and then they were attacked by the Amalekites. During their crisis and argumentative murmur against Moses.

In Spiritual Life Or Death

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Revelation 3:1-6

"........ I know all your works: you are said to live, but you are dead." (Revelation 3:1)

Sardis City is a city that has a very solid fortress, but the city is able to subjugate the people of Persia. Why the city of Sardis which have a very solid fortress can be subdued by the nation of Persia? Because they let a narrow slit and alert without seriously because assuming that no one would be able to break their fortress wake.

The apostle John gives criticism on the church in Sardis because they are not in earnest in the service. They let a narrow slit for entry by demons.

Alive Together Jesus

Print Friendly and PDF Live Together Jesus' (Matthew 11:28-30)

Is it true live without the Lord Jesus can be endanger? True! Why? Because life of without Jesus make making life meaningless, tasteless, in vain, mortal. All tussle became heavy, without hope of which definite. Inside emptiness it, all traps has been mounted the devil because he did not stay silent. He continues to undermine and try to attract more victims to fall into despair and sin which destroys morale.

We need to realize that the seem to target the devil does not of view of feather; anakmuda-the elderly, people rich-people poor, people educated-people are not educated. Anyway he kept trying dropping humans up to slumped. 1 Peter 5:8 said,: "Be sober and vigilant;! Your opponent, si devil, runs get around same like a roaring lion-aum and look for someone to devour." So, live without Christ make our lives left with external basis pleated-folding.