Let Us Unite

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Let Us Unite 
John 17:20-24

"And not for them alone I pray, but also to the people, who believe in me through their word, so that they may all be one, as You, Father, are in Me and I in You, that they also in us, so that the world may believe that thou hast sent me. "
John 17:20-21

Once you receive salvation in the Lord Jesus Christ, you have to take the next step which is united with the body of Christ, which the brethren. Unity or equality or unity is not uniformity. Unity is not without distinction, unity is hand in hand, supporting each other, protect each other, and accept each other despite sharing no difference. 

How important the "Unity" or unity in the church. The Church as the Body of Christ could not live separately or divided. Please read the written Word of God in 1 Corinthians 12:12. Advantages and disadvantages of a unity in the ordinary, just so we can mutually Take and Give (receiving and giving) and are complementary to one another. That one should not feel more super than others.

In short I want to convey what will happen when young people from different churches and backgrounds united life.

  • Very clear and we all already know, unity generate power or authority (Matthew 12:25). Power to defend and attack as well as building for a joint victory in the Lord. Remember our enemy is not our fellow human beings, but the power of sin and darkness.
  • Unity produces testimonies or witness (John 17:21-23). It is the prayer of the Lord Jesus, if the church will become a united testimony (witness) to the world who do not know Jesus so that eventually they are interested and believe in God.
  • Next, generate unity and impartation of anointing or mengurapan (Psalm 133:1-2).
  • Then, unity will result in blessing or a blessing (Psalm 133:1,3), the Lord commanded the blessing to go down to his people who would unite with its leaders.
Unity will help us reach more souls, than you are working and trying on their own. Like threads that are bound to each other into a net or nets that can catch more fish than one thread with a teaser.God Bless!!!!

Samuel Darmanto 
Senior Pastor



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