Make up for past failures

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Make up for past failures - Read the Book of Judges 16:23-31

Make up for past failures
"Samson said," Let me die with the Philistines. "Then bend it with a vengeance, it was the collapse of the house happened to the kings of the city and all the people that are on it. Which killed off at the demise of a lot more than he had killed during his life."(Judges 16:30) 
The Bible tells the story of a child who presented God from the womb. One was Samuel who has since separated from his mother's milk, live in the temple, and one chosen by God's angel message is Samson. Samson filled with the Holy Spirit from birth. Samson's name means sunshine, or the little angel. And just like its name, since he was born and grew up, he's like the hot sun that burns enemies with very powerful.

People always remember the sad story of Samson, the story of the failure. People will remember the story shameful as being used by a prostitute, and a tragic ending because of it being a blind clown at the enemy castle. Really?

But the focus is not like that, the Bible does not remember him like that. The Bible writes, "The death at the time of death kills more than he had killed during his life." The Bible records that the final battle is the pinnacle of glory and victory, do not bother with all the failures and the blackness that he had passed.

God never fails to label us as a person, no matter how embarrassing our failures. No matter though everyone, even our brothers denounce us, God always gives a chance. And was demonstrated through the life story of Samson, Jonah, David and others. In God, there is always a second chance, third, fourth ..... as long as we look to Him.

Matthew 12:20 says: "A bruised reed He not break, and a smoldering wick will not be quenched Him, until the law makes the IA win".

  1. In your opinion, what is the difference between the sight of God and mankind's view of the people who fail?
  2. Have you ever experienced failure in this life? Is the saddest failures in your life and how you deal with it?
  3. How does your current attitude towards failure? What things do you want to do to make up for the failure?
  4. Pray for each other and strengthen one another

Samuel Darmanto       



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